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Ethical matter

We accept only original manuscripts of article and papers, publication case study, review article etc.
Proper citation is essential for any review article or content taken from other source.
We do not publish any content which is discriminating any caste, creed, religion or Gender.
We take authority letter from author so that there shall not be any violation of copyright or authenticity of originality. In case if any discrepancy arises, the sole responsibility lies on the writer.

Inclusion of review

  1. Format of article
  2. Technical presentation
  3. Interpretation of result
  4. Statistical presentation
  5. Conclusion.
  6. References

Review Process

Article received from the Authors are sent to the Editorial board for the primary review. If the Editorial board find the article quite fair shall send it to external reviewer, otherwise the article shall be rejected by Editorial board itself.
The reviewer shall go through the article and make suggestions and recommendation and send back to the editor. The editor shall inform the Author regarding the comments made by the reviewer. The Author shall have to send his/her article to the editor within a stipulated time. If the reviewer feels satisfied with the corrected paper shall make it as ready for publication.

Publication Frequency

Journal frequency is half yearly and published twice in a year


Plagiarism will be checked by external sources as and when needed.

Open Access

All articles published in our journal are open access and accessible to any reader without any charge.

Publication charges

There shall be no charges for publication of research article in order to promote qualitative research work.

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